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FaceBook: FarmVille #games

with 5 comments

I must say, although I don’t often play games, some of the games are fun and some of them are highly addictive, in one I noticed some of my friends playing they weren’t applying simple logic to their game play.

FarmVille is a level game, and with each level – gained by earning experience points (XP) – certain new crops are released. One of my friends, at level 24, has the following crops which are released and you can see that RaspBerries are the best to grow if you have enough time to play, these mature in 2 hours for an average profit of 13 gold, although for 10 gold and 1 XP you can best grow BlueBerries. The next are tomatoes or coffee depending on whether you have 8 hours or 16 hours until your next session. People who can only play once a day should grow Peppers.

Naturally this is so for level 24, but for your level you can also find your optimal crop with little difficulty. The table below is ordered as it comes out of the FarmVille Market.

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Written by Daniël W. Crompton (webhat)

September 4, 2009 at 11:36 pm

Posted in business, finance, review

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